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More than 50,000 visitors flock to IIJS

The 38th edition of the India International Jewelery Show (IIJS) has been ruled a success by organizers after generating more than 50,000 visitors.

Hosted at the Bombay Exhibition Center in Mumbai from 4-8 August, the IIJS was the largest gems and jewelry exhibition hosted by the Gem and Jewelery Export Promotion Council’s (GJEPC) to date.

More than 1750 exhibitiors presented across the five days at India’s biggest gathering of domestic and international buyers, while local jewelry manufacturers got the opportunity to network with retailers, allowing both to gain insight into product design and market trends.

GJEPC chairman Colin Shah said he hoped the success of the event was a sign of things to come for the local trade.

“It is estimated that Rs.50,000 crore worth of business will be generated in the next 4-6 months,” he said.

“It has brought cheer to not just its participants, but also indicated that the festive and wedding season will drive jewelry sales at the retail end.

“Despite the recent duty hike on gold, market sentiments remained strong towards the yellow metal. With the phenomenal buying that has taken place at IIJS Premiere, there’s no doubt that this is going to be a bumper Diwali.”

Amongst the 50,000 visitors were an estimated 1,500 internationals from more than 60 countries including the US, Canada, UK, Hong Kong, Middle East, Europe, Bangladesh, Nepal, Russia, Thailand, and Egypt.

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